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January 2025 - getting caught up on a few things....


It's been a wild few months! Back in October the building was hit by a truck sustaining significant damage. I had been planning a trip to North Carolina to help with Hurricane Helene relief, and with the building being "inhabitable," it felt like the right time to go. I picked up my travel companion Malissa early one morning and we hit the road. We had only spoke on the phone once, and had never met. One may assume that would be a long, awkward drive, but it was a blast! A great way to make a new friend...:) Malissa's husband is my kickboxing instructor. Yes....kickboxing! It's great....I get to kick and bunch heavy bags and Ian, but don't get kicked back! Other classes that are available if you are interested....Jujitsu, boxing, MMA style fighting, and Kali.....check out 417 BJJ (417) 880-3558.

When he told her that my friend that was supposed to be going couldn't make it.....she reached out to me. In a matter of minutes I invited her to go and she said YES. It was a GOD thing! We didn't have much of a plan or reservations. We had a tent, sleeping bags, survival gear, camp food, and water. We communicated with a couple of volunteer groups on the way, and decided to link up with the Cajun Navy who partnered with Appalachian United Initiative......and we landed in Erwin, TN.

Erwin was hit hard, the people were struggling, and the local/state/federal government were not helping as you would expect. BUT.....the PEOPLE of Erwin and other little communities were helping each other. We met some incredible souls who basically adopted us. We were prepared to sleep in a tent....but they put us in an RV on their business parking lot. (No electricity or water......but soooooo much better than a tent). There we worked, laughed, cried, and broke bread with strangers from all walks of life. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget. One day Malissa and I will sit down and record a podcast to tell you more.

I've shed a lot of tears (about what is happening in Appalachia) since being back in Missouri. Just knowing how much help they need, and how little the rest of the country really sees is heartbreaking. When you hear about people in's true....and now that many have's better, but not much. Many lost everything. Cars, cash, ID's, clothes, shoes, jobs, homes, and some even the land their homes were on.....washed away. The need continues, and if you are able to get away for a few days.....I recommend going out and working with Appalachian United Initiative, you will not want to leave. Take your family, church group, civic group, etc.....and be prepared to be blessed! If you can't go....consider donating.

Fast forward......we got a new grandson on Christmas Eve!!! What a cutie.....his name is Thomas Branch and he "goes by" Branch. (his Daddy is a fan of the western Longmire and heard the name there, but recently learned that is the name of one of the characters in Branch joins big brother William Briar who is pretty happy just looking at him for now.

Since I've been working from days have been filling up faster than I expected! We are shipping A LOT - call me the "box lady." Most of my day is spent reviewing labs, talking with clients on Zoom, and managing orders. Our distributorship business is growing which is awesome.....that means more people are seeking out natural health practitioners! And.....we are working on 2 new products!!! A Food Source Chromium GTF and.........drum role please.....a topical CBD cream!

I was handed the torch and become the chapter leader of the Springfield Weston A Price chapter. If you have been looking for a good resource for natural living.....definitely check out They have a great podcast called Wise Traditions that has hundreds of episodes for your listening pleasure. If you are interested in joining/supporting the can sign up on line, or with me.

Podcasts......I've been bad.......but, I'm working on getting caught up and posting new episodes soon. Like I mentioned earlier, Malissa and I will do one about Eastern TN and North Carolina, but we also have a really special and totally different topic for another show. We are doing an episode about Tourette Syndrome, which is something Malissa has been dealing with for several years. All of the podcasts are available on Spotify, Absolute Wellness~Naturally.

My friends Isabella Lynette aka Organic Guru, and Selina of Selina's Naturally & Celtic Sea Salt are joining me for an interview!!! Isabella from her home in Fiji and Selina from North Carolina. Both are authors, speakers, world travelers, and have so much knowledge, you don't want to miss it! All of us are on a mission to help improve the health of everyone we can! Join us LIVE Wednesday January 22 at 2:30.

Building update: Sheet rock is up and mudding has commenced! Waiting on windows, paint, trim, siding, new signs, sidewalk repair, lots of cleaning, etc. We are looking forward to a fresh look with a few updates (including the website and some help managing phone calls and emails). Unless something crazy happens, we should be back in the building in 3-4 weeks.

We have a few more months of winter weather folks. Don't give up on your pursuit of wellness! Drink the pure water, get the sunshine (even if it's cold), do the exercise (strength training preserves muscle), avoid pharmaceuticals and synthetic supplements, eat real food, take care of your skin, prioritize GOOD sleep, practice stress MANAGEMENT.

Before I close. Reminder.......a while ago I made a promise that I wouldn't use AI in posts, or articles. There are a few reasons, but the main one is because of all of the fakeness on social media, in blogs, on TV, everywhere. may all look and sound real pretty.....but is that really what we need? There are "gurus" everywhere with AMAZING websites that have zero experience who are selling thousand dollar courses, pushing synthetic supplements, etc.....if that's what you are looking for....I'm not your person. It's ok, we can still be friends....:)

So...... expect some run-on sentences, typos, and just basic REAL LIFE info. If I use someone's work....I'll give them credit. If I make a's mine, and I'll own it. What I won't do is produce a stupid, fluffy article letting you believe it's MINE when it was written by a computer. (As I'm typing this....WIX is giving me the option to use AI to improve my writing....LOL).

CHEERS to a Happy, Healthy ~ Naturally 2025!!!

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